DOXY-PEP: Reducing your of STD's with a one-time dose

Get a prescription for DOXY-PEP to protect you from STDs
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Reducing the risk for STD Before or After Sex

Stay protected against sexually transmitted diseases using DOXY-PEP

Speak to a qualified healthcare provider discreetly from your phone or computer and get an online prescription for DOXY-PEP.

What is Doxy-PEP?

Doxy-PEP is using a ONE-time dose of the antibiotic Doxycycline as a prophylaxis within 72 hours of sexual intercourse to prevent the transmission of 3 different types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s): Gonorrhea, Chlamydia & Syphilis. Having unprotected intercourse with new partners may be risky. Gonorrhea, Chlamydia & Syphilis are all very common STD’s that are transmitted through body fluids or close physical contact. This can cause infection of the genitals, anus/rectum, throat, eyes, skin and much more. DOXY-PEP can help protect you from these specific infections.

A study reported by the NEJM found, “The combined incidence of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis was lower by two thirds with doxycycline postexposure prophylaxis than with standard care, a finding that supports its use among MSM with recent bacterial STIs.”'

*DOXY-PEP does not have a 100% success rate from protecting you from gonorrhea, chlamydia or syphilis. You should always practice safe sexual practices or abstinence. The United States Preventative Task Force recommends routine STD screenings for those who are sexually active. Doxy-PEP does NOT protect you from HIV, Hepatitis B or C, trichomonas, herpes 1 or 2, bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections or other genital, anal or pharyngeal infections. Using a condom helps reduce the risk for STD’s but is still not 100% effective. To learn more about safe sex practices, visit this site provided by the CDC:,anal%20contact%20with%20the%20partner.